I'm not drinking any merlot

“You’re getting warmer!”

Expert level.

It’s probably LaVar Ball you idiot

He stopped short? That’s my move!!

mediocre troll 5/10

Yes. Socialism. Nothing at all to do with a lunatic dictator suspending the Constitution, legislature, and civil rights. I guess we should all wait for the similar inevitable collapse in Sweden and Denmark.

There’s a teeny, tiny smidge of truth in there. The NFLPA is really, really bad at negotiating shit like this. Don’t get me wrong, the NFL owners are greedy shitbags, and the NFL as a whole is a microcosm of everything that’s wrong with management-labor relations in 2017 America, but holy crap the NFLPA is fucking

Fuck you guys I’m calling them the Zards.

I have a tab at the brewery across the street from my house, and I often settle up at the end of the month by providing the staff with weed I get at work. What I’m saying is that Portland is awesome.

I think this situation is dire enough to warrant lighting the Bono signal.

Just make then Grand.

No idea but I hope it was enough to ease his conscience*.

It’s too high!

Anaheim Ducks have the lamest name in sports, and I don’t care if they dropped the “Mighty.” Everyone still knows that they’re named after a dumb children’s hockey movie starring Emilio Estevez. That right there consigns you to worst name of all time.

Wes Unseld, bitches.

u gon die soon

The piss story reminds me of my favorite joke.

Once i found a card in my brother’s truck that was signed by all his coworkers expressing condolences on the death of his father. Our dad was very much alive at the time. Yes, my brother is that guy.

Kenneth Starr is spinning in his grave... if he’s dead. I’m too lazy to check. Lets assume Ken Starr is alive, but sleeps in a coffin.