I'm not drinking any merlot

In the first week of April, the LPGA held its first major of the year. There were two posts published about it, mostly about the Lexi Thompson incident.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA David fucking Ortiz is calling someone arrogant and disrespectful?

I liked that time he forced a better shortstop to play third base for the rest of his career.

By far, the worst Jeter moment I can think of is when the Yanks blew the 3-0 lead against Boston in 2004. It was so bad it gave my die-hard Yankee fan grandmother a 2troke.

This pic

While admittedly crude by today’s standards, the Derek Jeter Herpes Tree is still my favorite Jeets moment

If you can’t handle being criticized, then you’ll never be able to handle being praised!

I’m not for punishing people for recreational drug use. The NFL is dumb to test for marijuana. Everything about this situation is ignorant. But what am I missing here with Josh Gordon?

I’d call them the 90s Atlanta Braves of hockey, but at least those guys won one title. More like the 90s-00s Astros: great talent, constantly stymied, got through once, were swept so fast that barely anyone remembers their championship appearance.

gay leather bar in hillcrest san diego called the eagle. yelp us!

Can’t find the thread from a few weeks back where someone laughed at me for suggesting Fleury was good enough to win the Cup this year, but wherever you may be, sir, please enjoy the taste of my ass.

I know that after Trump, it’s easy to believe that a candidate can overcome anything despicable from their past. But some sights can’t be unseen

I like this joke and I’m terrified of the countless people who like this sentiment unironically.

I, for one, am just glad we still have the CIA to defend our interests in democratic institutions and ideals at home and abroad.

My point is that most people are not aware of some of the extremely shitty things he did because the sports press have decided to omit whatever does not contribute to his mythology.

Does this book mention that he was also a pretty horrible person who mocked Joe Frazier as an Uncle Tom race traitor? Or that he met with the KKK because he AGREED with their policy on interracial marriage?

I know most of her ideas about how to properly educate American children are really dumb, but jesus christ, how fucking stupid does she have to be to think that this was going to go well for her?

How on Earth did she get invited to be the commencement speaker at a university, much less an HBCU campus? This is on that school’s administration.

I have no solutions. This post just reminded me of this picture. And I think it does a good job displaying the problem.

A lot of very stupid people will continue to eat shit in the name of partisan politics or their own embarrassment at being told repeatedly who and what Donald Trump was and completely and totally ignoring that and voting for him anyway.