I'm not drinking any merlot

Um, did you not see that Keanu Reeves film, The Replacements?

The gun is not pointed at Kelce, it’s pointed slightly downward, towards the surface of the lake. Kelce is closer to the camera.

There’s not much I can think of more frightening than taking a bunch of gun-ignorant athletes out for a hunting trip.

Carter is the shining example of someone who was a terrible President but an excellent ex-President. Maybe the best ever. Presidents are, unfortunately, products of their times. Whether or not they are domestic policy Presidents or foreign policy Presidents is entirely dependent on events of the day. Had Carter

the Jazz last night, scoring 22 in a victo.......

and when I first read that, I thought he was just shootin hoops in Grandmas driveway

Maybe work the word ‘wounded’ or ‘recovering’ or something like that into the headline, Mr. Headline Guy?

:furiously searches for “Quasar Funk” in an Obama remarks transcript database:

Well, we did have one president who made it his life’s mission to help those less fortunate after leaving office. His own party regards him as an imbecile.

I remember campaigning for Obama in 2008. I was selected to give a speech to introduce him at a rally, after which, he thanked me by name on television. After his rally, I met him backstage and had photos taken.

“We clapped for Adam Jones AND Isiah Thomas last night! CHECKMATE, LIBTARDS.”

You’re actually an idiot.

U wrong.

Boston sports. They and their fans must always be victims.

Come on, you guys are just making Machado about something.


If a guy can get black athletes to voluntarily move to Alabama to work in a high profit for others, high risk to you job for free. He is worth his weight in gold (to Nick Saban).

so it was cheaper than cocaine and lasted a lot longer