SVP is the anti-Berman. ESPN lucked the fuck out the day they hired him. Not saying he was always great - it took him some time to grow into what he is now - but damn if he isn’t the best part of the network for the past several years.
SVP is the anti-Berman. ESPN lucked the fuck out the day they hired him. Not saying he was always great - it took him some time to grow into what he is now - but damn if he isn’t the best part of the network for the past several years.
I can’t wait to see what ESPN’s NHL reporters to have to say about this.
In Soviet Russia, phones teammate you in!
This may explain why I will never be in a position to make such a decision, but I have never understood why people worth tens of millions of dollars or more continue working, regardless of what field they are in. Like, I’m in my mid-30s. If I could somehow get my hands on $6 million free and clear, I’d never work…
This guy has an estimated net worth of around $50,000,000 and he thinks he already has brain damage from his job but thinks he just has to accept it instead of retiring.
With any luck, he’ll soon forget which team he played for.
If they went back to a sportscenter model that showed mainly highlights and not feel good stories and discussion among “experts” I would probably watch it again. A few months back I decided to turn it on to see what happened in the NBA the day before and I watched it for over 20 minutes before seeing my first sports…
Back in my college years and later, ESPN was my go to channel to just have on in the background when I was doing other shit (reading, cleaning, etc.) on top of watching SC every morning or night. It was literally on probably 12 hours a day at my place. Now, if I do watch ESPN it is only if there is a specific team I…
I gotta think the sports industry is due for a correction at some point. Salaries, revenues and ad dollars can’t skyrocket forever ... can they?
His brand of bloviating is what puts asses in the seats these days, unfortunately.
Proper gearing will make it *less* of an impact, but the problem is air resistance. It takes an awful lot of energy to force a car through it, and the opposing force raises exponentially...
Disney now acknowledges that Trent Dilfer sucks, and would like to make amends to Ray Lewis with this exciting new video...
It’s been over fifteen years and that still sounds so wrong.
To be completely accurate, Peak Oil won’t really happen when there’s Not One Drop of oil left - there will always be oil in the Earth, probably lots of it.
These endowment numbers are maddening! My alma mater still calls me every couple of months requesting money. Fuck you, ya jerks, how bout you bastards make a donation to DetroitDumbGuy’s student loan repayment fund instead...
That’s Super Bowl-winning quarterback Trent Dilfer to you.
I can’t feel sorry for Trent Dilfer, though.
Why employ a quality sports anchor/reporter/journalist when you can provide a platform for people who just scream stupid shit at each other every day?
That’s not an ultralight, and damn, the passenger/videographer needs to see a goddamned dentist.