I'm not drinking any merlot

I’m not an old man in drag. I’m just drawn that way.


I don’t believe that the true numbers of animals that die from airline flights is reported. It may be agreed-upon silence for settlements, but I’ve heard so many nightmare death stories that I really just wouldn’t trust an airline with a live animal in the cargo-hold.

She would have been done a lot quicker if she hadn’t stopped to yell at the hammer thrower to get the hell off her yard.

106 year old from the Bronx named Danny Almonte took home the male title

Did they not set up reservations 4 months ago when the schedule came out? Do they normally just stop at the first Motel 6 they find?

I’ve seen the argument, “Well my job requires it! They chose this employer!” There’s no material connection between playing on Sundays and smoking weed. They’re not operating heavy machinery or flying an aircraft. Let the dudes blaze up.

They seem like an odd couple, but it makes a lot of sense. One once politely asked his audience to clap. The other is probably New York’s patient zero for the clap.

Howard Schultz and friends bought Sonics and Storm for $200 million, then sold them in 5 years for $350 million because it was financially impossible to succeed in an environment where your franchise value increases 75% every 5 years and the public won’t buy you a new arena.

Yeah, JEEB!

No, she’s in the separate “white people will buy products she’s photographed with” category.

When asked about her return, Sharapova had this to say:

Kids these days don’t know what it’s like to have to work for it. THAT WAS OUR PORN UP THERE, MILLENNIALS

And thus he reserves his spot for an episode of Deadly Women on Investigation Discovery.

Such horseshit. You have to stand up for yourself when another person is being unreasonable; most especially if it is your spouse.

No couple REALLY cues up an episode of Real Sex to get in the mood.

On the women subject — my dad got sent to Russia shortly after the Cold War ended to setup American-style businesses. He was there a week or two. Told me he was shocked at how many beautiful women there were, because, as he said, they were never shown on American TV/TV news.

Ladies and gentlemen, we found him! Set your wedgie devices to “atomic.”

Until every shot by every golfer is televised (I don’t even know if this is possible, let alone desirable), they shouldn’t allow any of this shit. It basically penalizes high profile players and/or not so high profile players who are near the top of the leader board.