Kevin Izatt

Shep I totally ordered an IR temp sensor and I can tell you for sure it is fun. My son wants to check the temperature of everything. I even used it to check out my doors to see if they were letting cold air in. Thanks. You can see I use it when 3d printing as well. I just noticed that it was in my title picture on the

Logged in to say just that! Iphone hold there value well. I can see wanting to tinker but and I phone 4 you could sell for 100 easy maybe more then there is raspberry pi. Gets you very close to the cost of a nest.

right he is not saying to every model has to kill them just that he would like an option for his collection.

Just the other day I was listening to talk radio and they were talking about how the F-22 was being used to bomb ISISLSIS *sp* and the media was saying it was great to put these to use. I guess but I think the f-15 would still be way more advanced then what ISISSISLIS *sp* has.

Maybe I am the only one but I hate this feature. I am glad it can be disabled. Why do I need a persistent face of the person I am chatting with? My phone will notify me when a new message comes in and it even knows who it is from....

Your statement while true the outcome is not better with the paper case. If the Pi did infact get that hot that it melted the case could then catch on fire and paper burns nicely. If the only concern to have a case is to protect the product then possibly but I would not want to make the outcome worse.

Just because it is popular does not make it a good choice. For a short term maybe paper is better then nothing but that just my opinion.

Have had this printer for a while and love it! One issue to be aware of and I have see others post as well but the wireless is not reliable. Mine worked/works for about a week-month then forgets all the network settings. I currently run my wired via cat5 and have no issues. Still a great deal just do not plan on the

Have had this printer for a while and love it! One issue to be aware of and I have see others post as well but the

/Rant...Is it just me or do others think the form factor of all of the Go Pro cameras are dumb? Why is it a box? Why is the lens coming out that side? Why not the end so it is more sleek?

I am no rally driver but how stupid do you have to be to not slow down. Exactly how fast does your car go when it is upside down?

I am confused. I see the point but is your hood and roof immune to rock chips? You do know that rock chips can be fixed so you can't really tell if you take it too a professional.

My question is does it taste odd like some items do when cooked in the microwave?

I was in the market for a decent blender. Giving this one a shot. Also for those who are looking if you click the red one at least on my amazon without the coupon it was $69 with prime.

Looks a lot like Never Wet. This is cool but if I remember correctly is wears off easily so would need reapplied. So Maybe you will not have to wash your car for the first 3 months. Get it reapplied every oil change at the dealer? $$$$$

Has anyone measured the ground clearance on this? I am not saying its a good thing but lest be honest most people who buy jeeps drive them 90% of the time on the road. The other people who plan to do real off-roading are going to modify the stock suspension.

Avalanche....I mean to each their own that the beauty of car but would not be on my list to be modded or changed.

Hey love the show! I have not seen you do many 4 wheel drive vehicles on the show. Do you focus mainly on street?

I guess it is subjective but how fowl is it when we eat most every part of the chicken here is the states even.

Just a thought I had when I read the title. Pillows are so subjective I am not sure basing buying on other reviews is the best for everything. I think this could be a good resource but just the thought I had.

Another big one in my opinion is seating. I have seen many good companies that don't get it for working comfort so part of my job negotiations has been to get a quality chair. I have low back issues so this is more important to me but I honestly think if I would have had a quality ergonomic chair from the start would