Kevin Izatt

This is the main reason I still keep my dropbox account (Rightclick>Share Dropbox Link) way simpler then this hack. That and I have a good bit of free space from referrals.

Feel for you but no security is perfect. Hope they get it fixed for you.

Should have totally been on the list. This is my least favorite person.

he said wet it not slobber all over it.

Is it bad that I called that a land Cruiser from the small pic on the main Jalopnik page! Must be because I drive one of these!

Same here.

Chip in the new seasons are you traveling to other locations to overhaul people cars? I mean I would love it if my 84 fj60 got overhauled but I would settle for knowing that is was even a possibility....sometimes it is nice just to have a dream/hope. has it up right now so you should buy it for pennys if you want.

Not all generic brands are equal. I have found that western family is terrible with bags while Kroger brand is fine. Also Great value is usable.

Utah has a feature where you can schedule a time online in my experience it has worked well. Walk in 5 minutes before schedule time and be called to the counter shortly after walking in. All done while people were still sitting the the same chairs waiting for their turn.

First off let me say that I am a man (Not sure it matters right? we all equal) and I do not wear much decorative clothing or items. Here is my thought process on this.

Fair enough I know several people in that boat. Hope for the best and plan for the worst only thing is I am not sure how you plan for the market crashing. Tin foil hat and money/gold in the freezer?

I wonder how long this effect lasts. Is it permanent or does it wear off with time and if so how quickly? I am sure it will vary by person but an average would be interesting information.

Interesting that the you have the perception that retirement age keeps going up. If you save more now then you could retire when ever you want. The age of social security goes up but at this point I am not even planning on getting anything from social security if I do that would just be icing on the cake but I am

When I saw this I said shit!

I think I have that same baby swing. I did this mod as the swing is portable but 99% of the time we had it in the same spot next to the wall. I did not built the blocks I just twisted the wire around the last + battery spring and the first - (might have those switched do not want to think it out) Worked great until my

And why workers put him in a car and didn't call an ambulance makes no sense at all.

Don't think he could have picked a better time to sell. Someone will see some additional value due to the article. 

We need more survival of the fittest!

Fair enough. I have never had a problem pushing the little button.