Mildly depressed squad

There is a difference between being imperfect and covering up for an alleged rapist just to advance one’s career.

She had a very specific role to play and learned really quickly that there is no coloring outside the lines. She had to tow the line, like she did for every policy of Bill Clinton’s administration and every accusation during the end of his presidency.

But the timeline, as it so often is with rape allegations*, is muddy: in 1997, when she was subpoenaed during Paula Jones’ civil sexual harassment suit against Clinton, she had signed an affidavit and denied under oath that the rape occurred. She told Baker that was her choice: “I did not want to get involved, and I

If smahing things during a fight would constitute domestic abuse, then millions of women would have been guilty of it. In fact, the kitchen fight, with her smashing things and throwing stuff at him is almost a staple of comedies. It happens in reality too. Too bad I didn’t realize back then, that I had been abused by

I’m waiting for that video to show up. Shall we talk about the expected reactions then? There could also been a taped phone call between Heard and a friend where she confesses to setting him up and get as much money out of him as humanely possible and some other people would still claim that she’s a victim of doemstic

Her bruised face isn’t evidence, bc two cops visited Depp’s home a few minutes after the incident and her face was unblemished. No swellings, no bruises, not even redness on her face. That’s why.

Katinka Hosszu was a bust in 2012. Her husband became her coach after 2012. She’s a superstar now. He *was* responsible for this turnaround and with a male athlete, nobody would have batted an eyelid.

The women also responded that there have been at least a few times when they have not received desired assignments or promotions because of discrimination (33%)

Now that the USWNT lost bragging rights to the US men’s team, will they continue to call for equal pay for the national team, considering that we are talking about women’s soccer, an economic dwarf compared to men’s soccer worldwide?

I’d like to see her sans makeup. Then we can compare her to DiCaprio and decide who has or hasn’t aged well..

For a Hollywood director, that’s pretty much the ballgame. They don’t let you make films with a budget of a small country’s GDP and demand great works of cinematic art in return. Just ask Paul Feig, for example. His next movie for Sony will probably be a nice little comedy with a $40 million budget and he’d better be

I like the story of him directing the most successful movie in Hollywood history, without the help of the internet and social media, mind you. After that he basically disappeared for years only to resurface and top that with Avatar.

Wow, this post makes it look like *old geezer being with a young woman* at the time. There is an 8 year age gap between the two and the man has the fucking right to be with someone he wants to be. $50 million for two years of marriage, that’s plenty.

Citizens of Chicago reading the Chicago Tribune: *What is trapshooting and who is Corey Cogdell-Unr.. oh the wife of Bears DE Mitch Unrein!*

Wow, so you watch the Olympics not for celebrating athletes and their accomplishments but waiting for this one camera angle and this one casual remark and this one picture feeding the only narrative that you would allow in your narrow worldview - where women are constantly opressed and men are the opressors. Nevermind

- Calling someone a product of inbreeding is not a pretty ghastly ad hominem attack in your book??

‘Tpyo’ is a typo, ‘You’re’ vs ‘Your’ isn’t. I just love it, when some people basically tell others *your so stupid* while being completely oblivious of the irony. That’s what I tried to convey with my comment.

Yes and referring to people of the south a products of inbreeding (only white southeners of course), is also totally ok and in no way perpetuates any stupid cliches, amirite?

would refer to self righteous assholes who feels the need to be a contrarians.