
I agree but attribute the loss of the individualism of the clones to the plot. In the beginning each had their own life and how being a clone changed that life and forged a bond with the sestras. Seasons 4 & 5 have short, choppy plot lines for them that tie in to the Neolution story. I miss the closeness of the

I believe her death was symbolic of Felix ending his love and loyalty to Rachel. He may be a key in helping the sestras escape the Neos….then Mrs. S can do away with him.

I was thinking if the funeral home had proof that payment would be forthcoming they would let Norman have a funeral and bill him. Like you, fortunate not to know how these things work.

Maybe life insurance?

I assume that scene was a nod to those viewers who complain that the show is boring if every episode doesn't have Red Wedding style death.

I hope someone on the show escapes and lives happily ever after, please be Dylan and Emma.

Loved that show but has been such a long time since I viewed it.
And didn't Aeryn forget who John was too?

I believe that Delphine is truly dead, she she will be fed a slug and turn into a zombie tool for the Neolutionists, like Nealon. Prepare for heartbreak when Cosima finds her only to learn the Delphine she loves isn't there anymore.