
The horror a gentrifier feels when faced with this sort of thing is rivaled only by the horror they feel when they’re finally priced out of the neighborhood, and realize that they were just keeping it warm for folks even more well off than they.

“Lord, My Ex Changed His Netflix Password Now What We Gon’ Do?”

Eh, just let the meth claim her.

Instead of buying immigrants, why not buy one of those oh-so-precious unemployed coal miners. Or would that force us to acknowledge that

Yeah, but then those immigrant kids would take all those sweet school janitor “jobs” from the poor kids in Newt Gingrich’s school improvement scheme.

White people; coming up with stupid solutions for easy to solve problems since half past forever.

It’s pretty much slavery. If someone is stuck in your house, not a citizen, not free to go and laboring for you, that’s slavery.

These kind of articles are what happens when either there are no people of color in the room or so few that they are afraid to speak up.

Or women. Or children.

Reading this, as a UK resident, I can only shake my head in disbelief. Since last year, I have had a number of health issues all no doubt due to hitting 40 and my body deciding that the previous 20 years of ill use were enough.
I’ve had cameras in three orifices, and due for two of those orifices to receive cameras

This is not in any way relevant to anything but my god is she stunningly beautiful.

Also, Hitler DID kill Hitler, so that’s something.

You said it eloquently: White people will always value comfort over justice.

If you’re going to make a scene the airport is a good place because you’re less likely to get shot.

It’s the decision to choose their own comfort over the discomfort of others.

Exhibit #7491 as to why “white allies” won the 2017 World Wypipo Tournament.