Dear White People,
Dear White People,
When I saw the snacks I immediately thought to check my handbag to make sure there are goldfish and fruit snacks in there for my six year old. Then I wondered if rich people give their kids a bedtime. Because Blue was out awfully late for a school night.
So much this. I really want a law passed so that whenver anyone starts a sentence with “let me play devil’s advocate” what happens next is considered “justifiable” or at least “temporary insanity.” Have your own opinons. Just spouting off the opposite of other peoples opinions is just stupid and annoying.
Oh the race war that folks like Carlson are always jonesing for. Should we tell them that they aren’t worth the jail time so they’ll stop? Or nah because you’re going to win all the money in this bet?
I am stuck on the mom character. Are they serious? A black woman who hates Michelle Obama? WTH?! Otherwise the parents aren’t completely far fetched. I have the misfortune of having met a number of older black folks who don’t do much for their kids and rationalize it by saying, “nobody did anything for me.” As if the…
There’s a reason why that slate piece keeps popping up — it’s on point. Unless it’s your sister’s wedding, just walk out the door. I can’t stand it when folks stand around for 20 minutes lying about how they’re going to get together next month. Just go!
This was the first big story on CNN after they launched and because they are right there in Atlanta it got round the clock coverage once people started to give a damn about those children. And it had an impact over 700 miles away. My older siblings all got to walk to school or anywhere else in the neighborhood by…
You’ve said it many times — White folks gon’ white folk. And centering everything as it relates to you is classic white folking. Block, and millions more like him, thinks being called a racist is worse than actually experiencing racism because being called racist happens to white people. Anything that hurts the…
Very sorry about your mother. I lost mine 12 years ago and no, you don’t ever stop missing her every single day.
One suggestion if you’ve got the storage space — a pre-lit tree. Life’s too short for watering a tree that used to be alive and will start to smell like all dead things do in a remarkably short amount of time. Also, no lights to untangle, far fewer needles to sweep up/vacuum up off the floor.
No Americans aren’t going to learn anything and elect someone really qualified for the job in 2020. We never learn. In 2000 people voted for (with an assist from the Supreme Court) the guy they most wanted to have a beer with. Which brought us the tax cuts that wrecked the economy, the Iraq War and the drowning of New…
This post dropped at the same time that word came down that Cliven Bundy skated on all of the federal charges he was facing. Imagine if your black ass had taken over federal property and pointed guns at federal agents. What’s left of you would be scooped up for your family to bury. Just one more thing to think about…
Moderators must be working over time because where are the trolls? Usualy when you get a shout this big from the right, their trolls come at you with everything they’ve got. Fox “news” exists to make white people feel good about being white. So expect a lot more of this since their savior is a racist, addle brained…
“those of us comfortable with reality have agreed about what led to the rise of Donald Trump: seething racism, toxic masculinity, nihilism and greed.”
If it will avoid an international incident than the queen should meet with marmalade Mussolini. And since she’s old enough to be his mother I pray that she acts like it. As soon as he walks in the door I hope she yells, “Don’t show your ass!”
“This is how toxic masculinity looks and sounds and acts and lives. This is how it puts us all in danger.”
I may never quit but I did go from one 20 oz. bottle, to one 16 oz. bottle, to one 12 oz. can, to one7.5 oz. can per day. It’s been a year since I started drinking the 7.5 oz. cans (still one per day) and I’ve lost 7 pounds. I must attritubte that weight loss to the reduction in sugary beverages because until October…
You aren’t dramatic. But please use your worrying to advocate for this child. I have a white friend whose sister adopted two black children, one of them a little boy who is now 10. My friend repeatedly asks her sister if she’s talked to him about the police to the point where her sister accused her of being really…
Thanks for this. We need to call out each instance of little black children being treated like grown adults and having their concerns and feelings ignored. We need to be as vocal as possible about how our children are treated (especially at school) and to talk about mental health issues in the black community. And the…
It’s the rapture. That’s why they want to die. They’re convinced that Jesus is coming back for them (and only them) and will save them from this horrible world where a black man can be president, where you can actually lose your job for sexually assaulting women, and where you can’t put a “no homo’s” sign on the door…