
In tomorrow’s business news, Apple will announce a restructuring under a new company, Fruits, of which Apple will become a subsidiary...

I see that I’m not the only one who fashions shoes out of dead human feet. Although I can give you tips on tanning to avoid the Zombie-blue funk.

This guy is my new hero.

....oh wait, you said BEST. oops.

Great write up Rob. Give just the facts and use your knowledge without insane speculation, bravo.

Only seven, I think.

These are real heroes, guys. People that don't film in portrait mode.

Basically a real race engine needs to be efficient under racing regulation air restriction, fuel economy for longer stints and fewer pit stops, and run flat out for 24 hours something a street engine can't do. Race engines last about 8K miles before they need a total rebuild so a street/race engine swap makes sense.

Nice factoid. We now need a Jalopnik article about the interesting-car-aminos of Denmark.

A six-wheler wouldn't be legal in Denmark, though. Too much change from the original. The reason for this conversion is to avoid a very large (180%+) 'registration fee' by turning it into a commercial vehicle. It has been done with a small series of Camaros too.

I'm pretty sure this one (and certainly a couple of other 80s/90s sports-car-to-pickup conversions) happened in Denmark due to the astonishing taxes they have on luxury cars over there. An M5 goes for something like $300,000 over there, after taxes.

Denmark, and to some extent Norway, has had a few cars modified in this way to save taxes as they would be registered as utility vehicles with different taxation rules. Hatchbacks like the 928, 944 and a few Camaro's are the only ones I've seen in person with very simple fiberglass tubs replacing the original rear

It's okay. That glorious piece of the Swedish Motherland will live to fight another day.

Greetings from Sonderjylland

Good lad :)

@0:42 He's shifting in the middle of the mayhem. This is 99% skill and just 1% luck I would say.

Because they're cheap?

Is this a vintage race or something? Why would they be racing old first gen S40s?