
Typical of music since early 2000, no original creativity, have to rely on other, apparently more talented artists and steal their work. Doesnt matter if they got paid or not, this is just how everything is for the past 2 decades reuse/steal and call it brand new.

One of the greatest movies, too hard hitting for a "kids" movie and at the time if it wasnt Heavy Metal, cool kids didnt go to "cartoon" movies

Rock and Rule great film got no love

BAHH, I have a TiVo premier so out of the running, however I use a HD Flow Wireless Multimedia kit (2 HDMI in, 1 VGA in, Comp in) http://www.hdflow.com and a HDMI powered splitter

Speaking of out-dated traditions or whatever you choose to call them, why is an expensive engagement ring still required from the man in the relationship, and the subsequent matching wedding ring, all at the mans expense. I understand taking a last name and and expensive engagement ring are not in the same ballpark,