
I'm not sure if they still do this, but for the longest time scribd listed on its pages search terms that other people used to find the same page. Its unbelievably frustrating to see quoted text in a snippet that seems to be exactly what you're looking for - the answer must be there too! But no, after loading the

9. Remembering passwords.

Very neat! This will be great for dealing with minor annoyances when browsing - esp. where I don't have the ability to add extensions and such. Having used several extensions (including the Web Developer Toolbar) to modify webpages as I'm viewing them, I had no idea something this simple existed as part of the

Overall I've been happy with lifehacker's content. Again, though, fact-checking should be the number one priority, posting rumors without verification, even with a disclaimer, is not acceptable for a publication trusted to provide life and tech information.

Just to clarify, screen is useful when running locally or remotely. Using it locally as the article describes is helpful when reducing screen clutter. But as others have noted, screen's real power is its power remotely. The idea is to ssh to another machine, then create a screen "session" there. That way, when you