
Given the news the past couple weeks, these officers supervisor probably bought them a couple beers. They get some good PR, AND don’t have to do any paperwork.

I had the police called on me once for, literally, walking down a street. I gave my name and pointed towards where I lived (on the same street). When he asked for ID I said no and walked away.

If police officers were smart, and if they were willing and able to respect people’s civil rights, they’d always welcome cameras while doing their jobs. Any cop who tells people to stop recording them is a cop who considers it at least possible (if not probable) that s/he is going to do something of which s/he doesn’t

Never Seen a cop say to “keep the camera rolling”...

My God. Give these White women back their opiods. Hell, put it in their lattes and brewed teas. They are cutting the eff up without it.

Whine-1-1, what’s your emergency?

The cop - the black woman. Her facial expression is the story here. It is the face of “what kind of white nonsense is this?”...