
Tthat's a funny name. I woulda called em Chazzwazzers

Oooookay, that's where I saw it before. I could have sworn this wasnt new. That makes sense

At least that's something

What’s a Chachi

Cchairman of the B-O-R-E-D....get it!?

Coulda swore Dweezil Zappa was in that too

What the hell kinda flavor of Lone Star is that?

How many of these has she had so far? She definitely looks like plenty of folks post bar close during my bartending days

Those look like they could be foam core cutouts which, if I remember correctly, are not recyclable.

Ddon't worry....they'll come back eventually. They always do

This is.....

“I’m still gonna order from my local Olive Garden” cool....thanks for keeping local businesses alive.


Well...he DID kill a baby and raped a mother...

I don’t understand this article at all. He legit said nothing bad, just wants twitter mobs to shut the fuck up sometimes. At least I don’t have to lump him into the group of “aging rich Brits who say dumb shit and stick together“ (JK, Izzard, Cleese, etc.)


Its six in the god damn morning (central fucking time) when the shit is this supposed to appear?...uhhh...COCK!

Time frame checks out

Old white Brits gotta stick together

what a piece of shit