
I work at a grocery store and have been at work this whole time. I’ve become hyper aware of both people who are super vigilant about things and since my state (among others) are talking about reopening things soon a lot more people just not giving a fuuuuck and being bigger dicks to thoseof us that are actually

also tip for grocery delivery pick ups...I’m not just saying that because I work in a grocery store....but I’m not NOT saying that...

some restaurants are pooling together tips to also offer to the servers who are out of work, such as my girlfriend’s restaurant. Most obviously goes to kitchen staff but a portion is set aside for the servers

wait...did you just get heckled by the first three comments?

it was Citizen Kane! Citizen Kane! It was CITIZEN KAAAAANEEEE!!!!

Vince was being a boner but as of now it is...finally

SXSW is completely different than other festivals in that it takes over the entire city of Austin which itself has grown as exponentially as the festival has in the last 15 years (I just moved away after living there a decade). It’s also ridiculously expensive so a lot people volunteer a few days at the beginning and

I need tungsten to live...TUUUUNGSTENNNN

$9 side? La-Di-Dah Mr. Rockafeller

“We have a new movie coming out called SONIC the Hedgehog. What fast food chain should we co-brand with? Jack in the Box! Genius!” -Paramount

Just don’t go tastin’ it

I've worked retail and service industry pretty much my entire adult life, and I'm just shy of 40. I just don't understand why so many people take such offense to being asked to be civil. No matter if you personally are on a call or listening to Spotify, every cashier every day has dealt with many other people that day

there’s a problem in that Service Animals DO need certification but Emotional Support Animals aren’t the same thing and now it’s in violation of the ADA to even ask to see the paperwork. It’s a loophole that has been exploited ever since people realized it’s technically illegal to question the veracity of the

I quite remember enjoying the Getaway...mostly being a dorky anglophile who love british heist movies and that whole aesthetic. I haven’t played it since it came out, however 

since Cherry Garcia’s already a thing did you mean to type CANDY Garcia?

that dude’s gonna get Phuc’d up

except the affiliate in question is in Chicago

that’s Wayne Knight and you know it

the coaster thing is supposed to signify that you’re NOT done but had to leave your seat and that we shouldn’t take your glass just yet.

why is that first video 35 minutes?