Mike Z

This is gonna get worse in the coming weeks. Which means we will see some videos of people getting tired waiting for the toasters to maneuver the parking lot, and angry drivers telling Tesla drivers what kind of asstards they are.

I definitely didn't want to shame hard working crack miners, and I apologize if that's how this came across. My great grandfather was a crack miner in Wales. He, sadly, died from Baking Soda Lung.

He knows what he has... 

“Most cars start getting unreliable just over 100K.”

People are being forced into new cars (trucks)

During the last recession, there were a lot of stories in the papers about people who were hit hard. The story that I most remember was some guy who was leasing a Lexus for $1k a month, then lost his job and lost both the car and his apartment within a few months.

No one’s being forced into new cars. It’s easier than ever to find used cars in basically any price range. 

Could it also be that some people can afford them?

I have a Model 3, and likely will get the update with Smart Summon pretty soon, but there is no way I would try what these people are doing with their cars.  I am astounded at Model 3 owners who put a shocking amount of faith in these immature systems. While they are impressive, they still have a long way to go, and

Ah, a return salvo!

Right? “Mmmmm, hot salty cardboard!” 

But what about the elephant in the room:

Looking at all the complicated swoops and curves on the Supra, I can’t help but think how much work they had put into something that ends up being so ugly.

Yup. A Halo car is supposed to showcase your company’s best technology. This Supra showcases Toyota’s deficiency instead. It tells the whole world that Toyota is no longer capable of building its own sports car.

I concur.  I spent a while driving down I-40 behind, next to and in front of a new Zupra to check it out.  It’s cool, but it’s not pretty at all.

I firmly disagree with your choice of the two vehicles but I appreciated you taking the time to explain your subjective preferences which led to your choice.

At $60k+ I’d much rather buy... I’m gonna say it.

Yeah, having now seen the Supra in person, it’s, well, not very attractive IMO.

You’re going to be so disappointed when you hear what they make the F150 Platinum out of.