
Pssssst - you can also use the code 420SOMEWHERE for an additional 15% off.

Pssssst - you can also use the code 420SOMEWHERE for an additional 15% off.

Meanwhile back in Washington...

This is will last forever.

This is the worst possible take anyone could have for this situation.

In addition to being a perfect, visual summary of Snyder as a filmmaker, the GIF at the top of this post also depicts a scene from a much better movie in which Zod and Superman team up in the third act to defeat the real villain, Zack Snyder, who they realize has been the true threat to Earth all along.

In last night’s episode, there’s the scene with Evie and Meg that ends as Evie runs outside and you see...something...reflected in her glasses, then a “drone strike” is mentioned during the conflict at the mass baptism. But Kevin tells the story of the “gas leak” to Tommy in the cop car, kind of implying it’s a