Mikey Mo

Belt Parkway is Brooklyn and Queens not Long Island ;) 

Camera ticketing is unconstitutional and has been found so by several states and banned. It needs to be banned on a federal level. The next step has already been taken by NYC to use the cameras to issue tickets to vehicles with loud exhausts. Where does it end?

If a driver is not getting registrations and doing basic fixes...what makes you think they will get inspections?

So what we’re saying here is that congestion pricing doesn’t work?

When you have that kind of money...anything can happen lol 

Came here to say this...every...single...time. I refuse to let myself get behind one anymore.

Any worthwhile drone has GPS software that locks it from flying in no-fly zones. NYC being one of them. 

They used to have a Ferrari 308 you could sit in and get a picture with. Thing was thrashed by all the people doing so but its prob the reason I still want a 308 today. 

Because creating outrage out of nothing is a VERY profitable business. 

Anyone who hasnt lived under a rock since 9/11 should know these things. Its pretty easy, standard information. In fact, every flight I book, I get an email about airport procedures. It just involves people having to take the initiative to pay attention and be responsible and thats just too difficult. 

very much yes 

You know what...thats a fair point lol.


Theres nothing else like it....

Most basic tickets dont include a carry on. I fly jet blue and i have their card so i get a free checked bag. Its not ideal but its better than nothing.

My first thought but I’ve been treated to several of those occasions by NJSP and its always been “obstructed windshield” for something hanging off the mirror. Usually after I was caught doing some stupid shit so I was always glad to take the minor ticket and go.

I suspect the Mt Sinai ambulances are the ones you’d feel most familiar with. If you’ve been around Hells Kitchen at night you’ve probably heard it and its very Euro sounding siren which is different than most any other ambulance in the city.

Size of the users lol 


The Garden State Parkway in Jersey has them on some of the newly paved parts. I remember thinking the same thing about plows ripping them out. Reflectors in the road are all over the place in Florida and they shine back red if you’re driving against traffic too.