Mikey Mo

Appreciating asset....

F*ck Kars 4 Kids 

I get an inspection ticket every year cuz I never look to check and I’ve NEVER had my car towed in NYC for it. 

My 3rd car was a hand me down 94 Suburban with 200k on it so the GMT400 will aways have a very special place in my heart and I would do just about anything to have one again. This article made my day brighter

willing to bet the “headlights” on the concept become smaller eyebrow style DRLs while the “foglights” are made larger to act as production headlights. Similar to their current design style. 

Its 2019 why are there no subtitles? Deaf readers like myself would love to watch the videos but I have no idea what hes saying.

On Chrome I right clicked the tab up top and hit “mute site” and havent heard a peep since. Even if I close and re-open the browser 

The obvious answer is Jeep Wrangler. Go to any wealthy town and theyre all over the place. 

IIRC the 2nd and maybe 3rd gen Benz CL had these type of door hinges

Drove one from FLL to MCO after having a Wrangler all week in FLL. Holy torturebox man!! Loud, droning and slow. Idk why ANYONE would choose this over a Civic or a Mazda 3.

just dont park too close to a curb cuz those doors crunch right into them

that green gives me a tingly feeling in my nether region 

this is the case in some areas of the outer boroughs...absolutely impossible to street park cuz theres 10,000 driveways...best part is no one uses the driveways they park on the street so that when they have people over the guests can use the driveway instead of having to look for parking

This is what terrifies me...

No sunroof option just like the canyonrado twins...that leaves the Tacoma and the Frontier as the only ones id even consider 

The Holland to Brooklyn from Manhattan?? By the WTC?? 


I see a lot of celebs these days that travel in luxury Sprinters outfitted with all the toys. Plenty of space and you can bring all your friends along with you. Theres def some kind of market for the luxury van here in the US

Regardless of whether or not I bring my own financing I would never be upfront that I’m looking to do a “cash deal”. If the dealer thinks I’m financing with them they’re going to give me a better deal on the front end expecting to make up for it on the back end. Negotiate your best (total and itemized) price under the