Mikey Likes it Ironically

I'm literally putting $408,673 on this.

Every try swimming through millions of dollars in bills with no pants on?


The clowns own the house, you'd be renting!

Needs multiple tanning beds, in an underground chamber with 4 metric tons of canned goods.

I wonder if their tour bus got keyed or tires deflated. Or a temporarily designated parking chair thrown through the front window. Yinzers be classy.

That's how you kill the 8 species of parasites featured this month.

Why were you doing that to yourself?

When I worked at the local amusement park the summer before college, I was always tasked with the job of taking the grease from the various concession stands and dumping into the underground tank, as none of the other staff (including the "lifer" concessions managers) could handle the stench without vomiting. I've

Saw the Evil Dead musical in an immersive/semi-immersive tiny theater, where there is tons of fake blood spewing everywhere. It worked for that, it could work for Goonies

So that is why CBS still exists?

Sounds too classy.

I am wondering this too, that stuff gets EVERYWHERE when there is gravity…

Google's only possible judgement is whether or not you are generating enough add data.

Specifically regarding Thor 2: outside of the MacGuffin, there isn't really a whole lot connecting it to the larger universe, though it may be connected more significantly to Thor 3.

I have a huge problem with forming expectations regarding entertainment content most of my life, to the extent that I still hate a well-regarded album from my favorite musical artist over a decade after its release. I've had to try really hard to not form such opinions on it, even to the point of avoiding posts on

A fair point, I was using "lightly" in the context of the larger MCU, which was the OC's gripe. You could also argue that Agent Carter is a prequel to Agents of Shield.

Daredevil and Agent Carter are pretty stand-alone, with DD being almost completely silo-ed, only mentioning the events first Avengers movie in passing. Agent Carter only lightly requires the first Captain America movie as an intro to the main character. Both are really great in their own unique ways, and better than

I saw him at a con about 6 years ago. He was drunk, with a scotch in his hand, and was attended by some sketchy-looking hangers-on. It was very depressing.