You basically sent up the Sconnie Bat Signal when you put Jaha out there. I’d like to submit Rob Deer for the list.
You basically sent up the Sconnie Bat Signal when you put Jaha out there. I’d like to submit Rob Deer for the list.
Ricky Bones
Let’s get that thread rolling with one of my favorite baseball names, John Jaha.
Dan Plesac - talk about a Milwaukee Brewers “let’s remember some guys” guy.
My trick is always to fill up my wishlist beforehand, and not look at the deals, just my list and see if some are discounted. Worked fine the last time, got a couple items I really needed, with really good discounts :)
Even Detroit Lions QB Matt Stafford, from all the way in Palm Beach, was trying to show up Rodgers
He seems a bit like a tool but I agree with his overall stance. Loot crates are a transparently devious scheme that taps into the base instincts of people, often times people with poor money management skills.
Ok. If you think this is easy then do it yourself on console and prove it. Otherwise you’re just trolling.
Honestly, this whole raid stinks of false difficulty problematic design.
Whacking at the same boss encounter to deal 1% damage over 1.8 minutes as a group is the very literal definition of “damage sponge”. And I’m speaking about the team on PC that got it done!
I think blank leaderboards give a pretty clear indication that it's actually quite difficult.
6 * 1/2 * (1+2) is a simplified version of the problem and that’s how people are getting 9.
This guy sounds like a douche-nozzle, but I’m okay with this bill. Loot boxes are predatory, and regardless of how I feel about general microtransactions, we’d be better off with loot boxes (at least ones that require real money) being axed.
OK, I feel like I have to make a confession here. While I love cars, I fucking hate car ownership. Every single aspect seems purposefully designed to suck the life and enjoyment out of it. Buying a car is a huge pain, with shady dealerships, hard-salesmanship from “the finance guy”, pre-optioned models and locked-in…
I feel the same. All people are born with arms, not all people are born with internal testes that affect their hormones in such a way.
I honestly don’t know what to think.
Hey there!
an assortment of unproven rookies
McCarthy was like a father to Aaron.
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh LaVar Chino Hills wgah’nagl fhtagn.