
I get that whole slippery slope argument about how if we start refusing to share knowledge over one thing, then we- no. Screw that. We have to be smarter than that. WTF where they thinking?!

Apropos of nothing, for some reason your user name is truncated in your replies to "Canned Poo..." :D

Oh don't start *that* avalanche...like how Magneto isn't dead after Cyclops eye-blasted him directly in the face through the slit in his helmet...

Apparently your detractors think that humans are equally focused and productive all day long. I remember reading on this very site how on average 3 hours of a typical 8 hour work day are essentially wasted space and people really only do about 5 hours of actual work. In that case, 5-6 hours a day IS full time work.


That way lies madness... ;)

They will wind up there with the rest of them eventually.

I meant to type 1920 x 1200 :)

1900 x 1200 (which is sadly harder and harder to find nowadays thanks to the stupid obsession with 1080P video).

You mean the mental image of a doctor up to his elbow with a pair of pliers yanking a tooth out of a woman's uterus? Nope, can't say it did.

Well, all I can say is, you must be doing it wrong then. :D

Thank you. The artwork is more than fairly representative of different colors (including green, blue, and grey!) for its source material, heritage, and country of origin. Now, has there been an African-themed campaign setting? I don't know. I know there have been Central American, Middle and Far Eastern campaign

I just wonder when the point of THROWING SPELLS AND FIGHTING DRAGONS IN THE IMAGINARY UNIVERSE YOU ARE PRETENDING TO EXIST IN became making sure all the special snowflakes of the world felt that their particular integumentary chromatic variation was sufficiently represented.

I'm not "using" it, I'm using it. I get soooooo tired of the constant "nobody I know uses G+" dismissals. Really? I guess you don't know many people then. I know hundreds of people on G+, many I don't even want to circle or friend, but I know who they are, from real life even!

This is an utterly unnecessary tempest in a teapot. You can and always could make your characters (and NPCS) any color you wanted. You can and always could mash-up any and all cultural inspirations and "races" when creating your campaigns whether they made any sense or not. There have been numerous ethnic-inspired

1st Edition artwork (at least interior) was literally black and white, barely beyond outlines in some cases.

Magnum? Is that you?

Right on.

"Right away, the paranoia of "all the dumb, brainy smarties trying to kill off the stupids" would put the brakes on whatever progress could ever be made."

I don't understand the pics that accompany this post. Who are the people in the last two pics? What is going on in them?