
This subject is giving me a headache. I think I'll take a couple aspirin.


It's ok, Ugg. As Madonna teaches us: "It doesn't matter *what* people are saying about you, as long as they're saying *something*." ;)

With the "Horror" tag, and the hyperbolic words of dismay, I expected to see something akin to the Human CentiPad. I AM DISAPPOINT.

Gee, ya think?

LOL, Atlanta is high-falutin' compared to the Wal-Marts out in the burbs and boonies. Try visiting one up in the North GA mountains or South GA wasteland sometime.

Well that's a fine theory for heterosexuals, but it doesn't really apply universally.

That son, is what we call "irony" 'round these parts. ;)

LOL but the real question remains: who wants to attract flies?

I couldn't agree more. I couldn't *believe* some of the stuff that happened in the comic, I seriously doubt even cable TV is going to allow the worst stuff from the comic, much less worse stuff.

I guess you haven't heard of drawing more flies with honey than with vinegar. Ironic.

Harry Potter, eat your heart out.

ZOMG! I spoke too soon! After refunding my initial payment, Adobe (without preamble) charged me the deal price again. When I checked my order history on the site, not only was the "submit proof" link gone, but a shiny set of serial numbers awaited me! I had already DL'ed the trial, so in 10 seconds I was the happy

You would be surprised how prevalent that mistaken notion is.

Spear of Longinus of BUT? Wha?

I don't understand why you are getting jumped on. I don't read any glee or rage or sadism in your post (except that I think the "Mr. Glock" line is seen as glib and thus fodder for gun-haters).

Apparently once you start down its path, forever will it dominate your destiny.

That. Was. Brilliant.

It's all fun and games until someone puts an eye out.
