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I recall an observation awhile ago that women don’t really dress-up for men, they dress for other women. Its considered a power play within their peer group for the position of ‘Alpha female’. A ‘tomboy’ character implies either they’re too much of an individualist to play the game or they’re two low-ranked in their

An obvious response is Hamm might have difficulty fitting into the tights.

This film was one of the last of what I like to call call the era of ‘coke-head studio executive’ films. The most notable example was (so many to choose from) I guess the ‘Robocop’ franchise.

Its not just this culture. Korean (woman-centric) TV is chock full of spunky tom-boy blue jean wearing heroines. Her female nemesis is invariably powdered and scented and wearing tight skirts & spike high heels.

You reminded me of all those Hollywood stories of the writer being the last person hired on a project and remaining the person with the least authority.

American romantic comedies often feel... what’s the word... jaded. The characters rarely seem genuinely in love, its more like they’ve found someone who they can settle for and escape the dating life, if only they could just stop arguing all the time. My usual response to the ‘happily ever after’ moment at the end is

People of a certain age imagine Lizzie Borden to resemble Elizabeth Montgomery of ‘Bewitched’ fame due to a popular 1975 TV drama.

To claim that women were put into mental asylums for reading books in the late 19th century is a little bit absurd, considering that most of the publishing industry at the time was directed towards its huge female readership base. A sympathetic Henry James short story at the time, probably written for a woman’s

A large percentage of elderly Republicans are still of the opinion the GOP remains the party of Jerry Ford. All of the vile things the racist fringe right does these days, the low-mental-effort GOP will persist in claiming its not ‘representative’ of their party. A what point does willful ignorance become complicity?

You go around news chat boards, you soon realize the Trumpanzee fringe right despises the Republican party more than the Democratic. Orrin Hatch is a ‘socialist’, Paul Ryan is a ‘RINO’, not to mention the vile disgusting things they say about the late John McCain. Take their word for it. They really are anarchists.

To be fair, he was less a ‘bad ass villian’ and more a walking advertisement for a child’s action figure.

Some of their stuff was just plain dreadful. And pretentious to boot (I can’t listen to ‘fool on a hill’ without rolling my eyes), especially after they came back from India all drug-addled. The Beatles set back popular music in America by 30 years, killed off mature established genres and replaced them with vacuous

Beatles nostalgia is wearing pretty thin these days. The original Beatles groupies are in old folks homes now. Nobody, besides K-pop teen boy bands, strives to imitate their sound anymore. Waxing nostalgic about the greatness of Paul McCartney feels a bit like people in the ‘70s waxing nostalgic about Rudy Vallee. The

AV Club usually gives out C reviews like they were vitamin supplements so giving this one a B- should be considered high praise indeed.

We’re living in a post-BREXIT world. The movie Dunkirk was about Britain’s humiliation and near-catastrophe at getting ignominiously kicked out of Europe. Gary Oldman’s Churchill biopict focused on the same timeframe, emphasizing Britain’s isolation. And now we revisit ‘Braveheart’ territory. Scotland wants to de-link

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Here is the legendary ‘floor slide’ stunt from the opener to the series ‘Dan August, 1970.

Younger readers will have entirely missed the young, handsome charming Burt Reynolds of early TV fame. ‘Dan August’ was Burt Reynolds at his best. His Tonight Show appearances were instant classics. ‘The Longest Yard’ used to rank up there with the film MASH among ‘counter culture’ cult classics. His 1972 film ‘Fuzz’

‘The Last Detail’ was in-his-prime Jack Nicholson bringing his A game.

Porn Hub awards ceremony: West storms onto the stage and tries to take the award away from a white actress, claiming Beyonce should get all the awards.

I like how Woody Allen’s ‘son’ by Farrow grew up to be the spitting image of her ex husband Frank Sinatra. Nothing suspicious there. When Farrow was young she was notorious for preying on older married men, left a path of destroyed marriages in her wake. Was the age difference between Soon-Yi and Allen very much