
Yeah, if the rich were really about ‘earning’ their wealth, there would be no dynasties, because every kid of rich parents would have had to make their own fortune.

I could feel bad for him, but I don’t. I won’t. I can’t. I don’t really care at all about this guy’s life or any other Trump family member.

Some recent studies show that the more people have committed themselves on an issue (or candidate), the more resistant they are to fact-based counter-arguments. Many respond better to flattery and suggestion than to counter-facts, which just make many dig in harder.

In the People article, a source from a cafe in the upstate town where Jr. weekends makes a point of saying he never has his hair slicked back. That coupled with the story about Jr. getting slapped by dad for wanting to wear a baseball jersey instead of a suit to, ya know, a baseball game, says a lot about their

yeah he is def the epitome of dunning-kruger. it couldn’t be more easier to use him as a textbook example

CEO’s actually are responsible, at least in companies with boards that are interested in the health of the company. CEO’s might be largely over payed in the USA, especially with extremely generous severance packages, but most of the time they will get removed if they fail to turnaround a company or if the company

You, I, Jezzies at large, all my coworkers, and the last fifty people I took pizza orders from could do better than this idiot grifter clump.

This reminds me of when Hostess crashed and burned, robbing thousands of employees of their pensions; someone on Twitter summed it up perfectly by saying “how do you fail in selling sugar and fat to Americans?”

He’s not a real businessman. He plays one on TV.

Perhaps I am treading in the same shark-infested waters that created this problem in the first place, but.....I’m pretty sure I could do a better job than any and all Trumps in any given field in which they operate.

This shit’s why I will forever reject the idea that the wealthy have truly earned their wealth through their hard work/fortitude/shrewd business practices.

Setting aside the fact that the latter is usually just “they found a good way to exploit things,” the truth about someone like Trump is that he simply has enough

Nah, those people are too fucking stupid to have a Eureka moment on this, and now they’re just digging in and screaming LALALALALALALALALALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU LALALALALALALALALALALALALA

It is incredibly apt.

His sub moronic base will never grasp reality. Ever.

No his base will do what they’ve done for years due to a steady diet of Fox News & Rush Limbaugh, blame the intelligent educated black guy. Amazing what happens when the stupid find each other. Why do you think they cover their approval so much? If any of them ran into someone more intelligent what the hell would they

Poor Donnie.

Another commenter here once called Trump “President Dunning-Kruger” and I think that just about sums him up

The fact the both Trump sons dress and style their hair exactly like their father even though it’s decades out of fashion and makes both of them look terrible tells me there’s some major psychological issues going on. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if both Don, Jr and Eric Trump are so terrified of their dad they can’t

And guess what you assholes, we ALL want these 4 years to be over.

Might as well get this in here first...