
Maybe you should be a little more uncomfortable... comfort is what got us here. You’re normalizing him. 100% of the articles should bash Trump.

Man, I thought we fought a long and horrible war back in the ‘90s to keep the Kardashians off TV.

Bravo on all levels

I must respectfully disagree.

So leave. No one is making you stay here. If you no longer like Gizmodo’s content, stop clicking on the links. Because all you are doing is providing them traffic, which will probably result in them writing more content like this. So, you are really dumb.

But I don’t want to curate my own content. Can’t someone else do it?

Hey, here is a fun idea: if you see the name Trump, POTUS, or president in the headline and/or a picture of Trump in the header photo DON’T FUCKING CLICK ON HYPERLINK THAT OPENS THE ARTICLE.

And like any self centered jack ass you think this site should be all about you. It said Trump in the headlines and if you’re tired of seeing Trump related shit, don’t click it. Be an adult and own your clicking action instead of whining like a little bitch expecting everyone to adjust to your needs.

Dear Sholay,

Dear Idiot,

We’re going to build a great wall and we’re going to make Gondor pay for it!

Police: “Freeze!”

Today I felt like I breathed fresh air for the first time in nine months. My heart is soaring. I’m gonna get so blackout drunk when these fuckers are finally all indicted, it will probably put me in the hospital.

Bernie helped convince a large chunk of his“liberal” supporters that the Democratic party—and consequently, the Democratic candidate—was evil instead of help fight against actual evil in Trump. If you and the other Berniebros really think that’s how politics should work, then “it’s going to be 2 terms for Trump.”

I’m going to testify about the secret black people meetings where DWS came and told us not to vote for Bernie. /sarcasm

I’ll check back in a while and fully expecting to see this

Nah, Conservatives mock Michelle Obama because they are racist and she makes them feel ugly and pointless inside by being both black and beautiful. Christie is obese because he is a greedy glutton who literally is able to stuff his face constantly, fed by the taxpayers money that he is ripping off them so yeah I say

Die Hard is the greatest Christmas movie of all time.

It takes the dread and angst that a lot of us already feel around the holidays and personifies it. Then it takes the trappings of the holiday and flips them on their head in service of those feelings.

We can’t forget about Die Hard now, can we? Then again, if it weren’t Christmas we wouldn’t have “Now I have a machine gun. Ho ho ho.” So maybe it is important.