Police: “Freeze!”
Police: “Freeze!”
Today I felt like I breathed fresh air for the first time in nine months. My heart is soaring. I’m gonna get so blackout drunk when these fuckers are finally all indicted, it will probably put me in the hospital.
Bernie helped convince a large chunk of his“liberal” supporters that the Democratic party—and consequently, the Democratic candidate—was evil instead of help fight against actual evil in Trump. If you and the other Berniebros really think that’s how politics should work, then “it’s going to be 2 terms for Trump.”
I’m going to testify about the secret black people meetings where DWS came and told us not to vote for Bernie. /sarcasm
Nah, Conservatives mock Michelle Obama because they are racist and she makes them feel ugly and pointless inside by being both black and beautiful. Christie is obese because he is a greedy glutton who literally is able to stuff his face constantly, fed by the taxpayers money that he is ripping off them so yeah I say…
top White House staff members warned that the National Enquirer was planning to publish a negative article about us
Previous first ladies (and mothers) would NEVER allow their presidential husbands/sons to speak about women in this way. What went on behind closed doors may have been another story (apparently LBJ was pretty terrible) but those women would never allow their husbands to get away with this shit publicly.
I fucking hate thin-skinned bullies who can dish it out but can’t take it. Every single one lives their lives terrorizing the people around them, and yet also TRULY believes they’re constantly being victimized by others. They make everyone walk on eggshells and yet still think they’re victims. Fucking infuriating.
Oh, Cheney would have him black-bagged and hauled off to an overseas, black site prison with a smirking tilt of his head towards a minion, no contest. Trump would shit his pants, fo sure.
Cheney is Evil Incarnate and the Lord of Darkness. He’d make short work of Trumpty Dumpty.
“Can you believe that,with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf.Worse than Carter” Trump 14 oct 1014.
I would LOVE to see a Cheney / Trump face off. Cheney would just have one of his friends shoot Trump in the face.
Exactly. American Presidents get insulted every damn hour of the day. If you can’t handle minor criticism (let alone getting burned in effigy), get the heck out of the office.
god, can you imagine what an Obama whitehouse that acted like this would look like? He and Michelle absorbed some incredibly nasty commentary, and the birther stuff was not even the worst of it. I miss our old first lady
I have an ex-in law with a severe personality disorder who reacts to any perceived slight EXACTLY like Trump did here. “Oh, she thinks she’s better than me? Well her husband lost all their money gambling and she got fat after taking drugs and her house smells like soup so how DARE she say she thinks I’m too…
Well, they only encourage the ideological crazies because it drives gun sales. In the end, it is only about protecting the industry. I used to do lobbying work with gun and tobacco companies, among others, and none of this is done haphazardly. They have tremendously well-established government relations departments.
I feel like it’s far past just being a front for gun nuts. People say it’s for the gun manufacturers, but it really appears to me that it’s long since morphed into a ideological/philosophical cult fronting as an advocacy group, much like the GOP.
This is some terrifying shit. Like...this is some dystopic fucking insanity. What the actual fuck? *curls into fetal position*