
top White House staff members warned that the National Enquirer was planning to publish a negative article about us

Well, they only encourage the ideological crazies because it drives gun sales. In the end, it is only about protecting the industry. I used to do lobbying work with gun and tobacco companies, among others, and none of this is done haphazardly. They have tremendously well-established government relations departments.

I’m confused. Am I violent, or a snowflake?

I feel like it’s far past just being a front for gun nuts. People say it’s for the gun manufacturers, but it really appears to me that it’s long since morphed into a ideological/philosophical cult fronting as an advocacy group, much like the GOP.


I just want to clear it up because I feel I misstated. The right/religious right don’t have a clear majority. My intent, in saying that, was to indicate that ‘Christians’ are the clear majority in the US.

This is some terrifying shit. Like...this is some dystopic fucking insanity. What the actual fuck? *curls into fetal position*

Can the NRA stop pretending to be a mere advocacy group for gun owners and just admit it’s a political organization...for gun owners? And following the Philando Castile incident, I should specify white gun owners.

Wow.. For a second there I thought I was watching some Verhoeven ‘Starship Troopers’ cut content for the propaganda... That is some seriously fucked up thinking but it fits right in with the world view of the right/religious right who have, despite having a significant majority, consider themselves victims and

In this one it looks like he lost the struggle.


WHAT???? That doesn’t even make sense! Who doesn’t want a raise? There are no words for imbeciles like that guy!

Can we stop calling it “trickle down” now and start calling it what it really is? Economic Feudalism

“I will piss myself laughing if Kushner turns out to be the one who sells Trump up the river.”

Alt-republican universe :(

This is the backfire effect, totally. Think about it - before the election, a ton of people were like, “this guy’s a fucking idiot, and is Putin’s puppet, and is an unethical buffoon who will break the law pretty much immediately and probably will get impeached in his first year.”

I think that, too.

My mom was raving about how terrible the democrats were for being upset at that. Given that she’s my mom, and my dad was there and other family I took the high ground of ‘regardless of how you feel about that, Trump is a god damn idiot for doing what he did, how he did, when he did’. To which the reply was ‘but the

Straight up, this is probably why he was so chill with Ivanka converting and why he loves his son in law enough to put him in a position of power in the White House. Like he clearly wasn’t thinking hey it’s illegal when he put his daughter on staff. The other two are basically on Tiffany status because good ol’ Donald

Yep. That’s what has made this year so different from other elections. In the past I could have a reasonable conversation with people who voted Republican. This year, those people seem to be living in a whole different universe and there is just no way to talk to them and have a coherent conversation.