
Better get those Guy Fawkes masks ready...

“definition of compassionate: a compassion that is balanced between the people who get the benefits and the people who pay them.”

Is that you Bill Maher?

Pretend to have is right.

And Ryan is going to have lots of company from his fellow Republican lawmakers.

I’m currently memorizing bible quotes about poverty for the next “Christian values” argument I have to have with a Republican. (My conclusion: If Jesus is real, Paul Ryan is going to Hell.)

Eh, I did too, but I’m also 100% sure my congressman will write it off and pretend it’s because I don’t fully understand how awesome his plan is. He’s a smug dick that way.

Just to play fair...

I think if I became President, the first thing I would do is round up the House and Senate Republicans and execute them for treason. Because that’s what they are guilty of. I always suspected they were, but this is just the flat-out definition.

Based on 2016 with an abusive, racist, ignorant old man winning an election (that he even got 25% of the popular vote is beyond my comprehension), they KNOW we are stupid, tired, and divided.

Their problems are always caused by outsiders, others, etc. They never understand that they’re the ones responsible for this shit by continuing to vote for the very politicians who cause it (under the guise of “Gods, Guns, and Grits” or some shit like that).

And Congress members and staff are exempt from all of the changes. Do they think they can keep that little gem a secret?

You know, I had an argument with an in-law a few weeks back about healthcare and politics in general. It got... ugly. He’s of the mind that politics and government don’t really effect our day to day life so he’s fairly aloof and uncaring about it but when it came to ACA he went ballistic. As he raised his voice louder

Their black hearts cares not for poor, sick, women or even healthy folks. Money and power fuels their horrible souls. Its so incredibly busy at the hospital where I work, people trying to get what help they can get before they lose their insurance. Makes me so angry.

The problem is, we ARE stupid. An election-winning percentage of our country are impossibly dumb. They are so scared of gay and non-white people that many of them will literally wind up sacrificing years of their own lives to make sure those groups are oppressed.

But that’s different, because you’re talking about something people didn’t really have in the first place. It’s way, way easier for the GOP to weasel out of that, especially when you throw up the boogeyman of “government welfare.”

If they do this, they might just seal their fate. People will fucking die because of their direct actions, and there will be no denying the blood on their hands. And how then do you claim to be the “pro life” party? How can you make that claim when you decided to kill people so that millionaires will see their tax

Their careers won’t be toast, sadly, despite passing this bill. The people they care about, the ones that voted them in and support whatever fuckery they get up to, will sniffle, suffer, go into further debt, endure pain and risk death but still be happy that my black, queer, disabled ass is being oppressed by their

All I can say is I hope these goddamn fucks are happy. Every one of them, from our sorry excuse for a “leader” all the way down to the miscreants who voted him into office.