

Hey America. You have noticed all the building blocks of the ultimate fascist dictatorship that are now in place in your country right?

Whose “we” in this? I did not vote for him.

“We hates the Democrats, don’t we my preeeeecious?”

America 2017.

Find THIS guy....mystery solved.

BUT the Obama family were the classless ones, right? right?

Yeah, I feel like we all woke up the day after the election with goatees.

I hear wounds from a Morgul blade never really heal.

Are we just supposed to pretend that Trump is one of the struggling, downtrodden little people and not of the wealthy elites he’s trying to disparage? And now he gets to also be at the head of that small group that reaped the benefits of the government. Yeah, I’m going to hold my breath and wait on him to make things

“Once we have repealed and not replaced the Affordable Care Act...

Well, it would hurt his populist street cred if he said the bankers, the brokers, and the real estate wheeler-dealers, you know.

Isn’t Charlie Sheen already coked up?

Hmmm. The politicians prospered? Yeah I guess they did but there must have been some others that made out like bandits as well. Hmmmmm... trying to think.... the answer must be out there, somewhere....

He says this with a straight face with a cabinet full of multi-billionaires that have been the very people increasing their prosperity and celebrating at the expense of everyone else for years.

As Kara Brown pointed out in the live blog thread:

It was nothing but a combination of Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, Religious Orthodoxy, and DC Comics.

Does that mean he’s letting us, the people, veto his terrible nominations? Because other wise that line is objectively false.

So who is going to step up and be our Batman?