
A society raised on “reality TV” and can’t wait for the next installment. I stopped giving my fellow Americans credit for brains long ago.

AKA Summa Cum Daddy.

What makes you angry about seeing her is the fact she chooses to associate with the Herr Asshat von Cheetolini de la Orange Julius. And she seems to very much enjoy spreading post-truth statements. I think some of it is also being very disturbed by how quickly the Republican right has abandoned their moral “dignity”

YES. This is why I was so taken with Lauren Duca’s response to Tucker Carlson badgering her in that well-publicized interview a few weeks back — she just laughed in his face. It deflates them like nothing else. And then you see the bully come out — hear Conway hissing “Not true! Unfair!” while Myers is speaking.

The fact that he can sit there and laugh is perfect too, because it’s what is expected of him and is extremely damaging to their argument and to their mind frame as a whole. No one on Trump’s team are people who don’t mind being laughed at, so the ability to both shut them down and essentially say “lol k” at the same

He’s doing better to pin her down than almost any actual newspeople.

“That’s not true.”

Yup. And this is why those who read history are terrified right now.

So this should be fun.

Look, look - relax, no need to freak out, this is all perfectly normal political behavior.

I said this in a comment a few months ago, but I truly think that Trump could have stood in the streets and burned live puppies on television, and his supporters would have been like “But he’s different! He’s exciting! But emails, lock her up!”

It’s wearing her down, though. It’s like she’s Trump’s portrait in the attic. Either that or she really is a sith.

You know what, Kellyane, you need to seriously shut the fuck up with this attempt to accuse black people of being racist. I get so tired of the claim that there is no racism - unless it’s happening to white people. I thought you said this was America and it’s the Land of Equal Opportunity and it’s no excuse! /s

Conway said, “I really wish she would have stood up last night and said, ‘I didn’t like the election results but he is our president and we’re going to support him.’”

When are reporters going to just start saying “Are you fucking kidding me” to these people’s faces when they say something so asinine?

I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but the sheer audacity of these people — this woman in particular — never ceases to amaze me. He ability to wield doublespeak so effortlessly and effectively strikes me to the core.

“Conway also said that she was “concerned that somebody with a platform like Meryl Streep’s is inciting people’s worst instincts.”

Late to the party (I was getting lunch), but Kellyanne Conway deserves to rot in the lowest pit of hell. I’d compare her to the snake that offered up the apple in the Garden of Eden, but that’d be giving snakes everywhere a disservice.

You mean like every conservative pundit of the last decade?

What else would you expect as a response from Ilsa, Queen of the SS?

She also lamented on CNN: