
That doesn’t make it any less convenient, or traumatic for school aged children.

Because you are a NORMAL person who is rational and considers how all of those things will effect your employees and their families.

You don’t understand correctly. About 70% of US ambassadors are career state department employees. They are not all wealthy crony political appointees, despite what you might have heard. I was lucky enough to meet the ambassador to Cameroon, and was blown away by his diplomatic credentials. To assume you could find

Yeah, but even with money, the logistics are probably a nightmare. Moving from one state to another is hard enough. Moving cross-country is hard. I can’t imagine how tough it will be to move from, say, Japan back to the U.S.

Being wealthy doesn’t mean moving your entire family from country to country and switching schools with very little notice isn’t a colossal pain in the ass.

Some of them... in theory important countries are supposed to go to professional diplomats who have long careers training for them for those roles.

(I’m 100% sure he couldn’t name all of the EU states).

I know but Trump doesn’t give a damn about precedent or people.

I agree, but with Trump being so vindictive and dickish, this latest stunt doesn’t surprise me at all. It is clear that the concept of diplomacy is beyond both Trump and his team.

I expect that most thought that normal precedent would be followed. That is, that they wouldn’t be replaced until a replacement is found and that they would be allowed time to process passports/sell belongings/arrange schooling for children/etc.

So basically this fuck just created a god damn nightmare for all these people and their families.

Ambassador appointments can be done at the leisure of the President. He’s recalling the highest diplomats in residence and their supporting staff because he treats government staffing like a corporation.

For my work, I move our employees from a home location to another location so they can work on projects/open offices/etc. To move a family from one location to another in two weeks is almost impossible. There is immigration considerations to consider, schooling if they have children, sale of houses/cars/furniture that

Historically that’s pretty common. As someone wittier than I pointed out when Trump mega donors were being appointed to cabinet level positions - “Buying a government office isn’t just limited to ambassadorships anymore.”

I think the issue here isn’t that he’s replacing Obama’s people-that’s to be expected. The issue

So rules doesn’t apply to him, right??

I am really stunned at the actions they’ve taken. Not only are they callous, they are incredibly short-sighted. While some of the ambassadorships are appointed positions given to megadonors, others are filled by career diplomats who have nothing but the US’s best interests in mind. This is a slap in the face to

The only reason I can think of for him to do this- besides *spite- is isolationism. He’s going to bring in people who are categorically ill-suited to the job, like all his other posts.

I mean, presumably the cable read: “On January 21st, all ambassadors will be formally recalled. Make plans accordingly.”

My god the next four years are going to be a fuckfest.

I actually really don’t understand how/why the person who is not president yet can order currently serving diplomats to leave their posts BEFORE he becomes president.