
We simply don’t have any money for all this healthcare shit people!

Hear hear! It’s time for the Democrats to grow a spine.

Well, yes. But it’s a standard nationalist trope, always trotted out when the powerful have sucked enough money out of the system to cause an economic crisis and financial suffering for all the folks who work for a living.

In Trump’s America facts are just other people’s opinions. These have been some whacky months already. I mean in what alternate reality do the Russians win the Cold War by convincing the Americans of their fake news propaganda?

Thats a setup probably. He’ll put it in the bill knowing full well the Democrats will fight it. He’ll concede and remove it making himself seem like he’s a great guy but its just another setup. He can now get out of the ridiculous promise of the wall and blame the Democrats for not supporting it in the end.

Republicans: Creating imaginary problems and then saying the Dems won’t solve them.

Here is the thing, if you are concerned about an illegal immigrant or illegal/undocumented worker taking your job you should remember that if that happens, the person who is breaking the law is the EMPLOYER who hired the illegal worker. I did not hear anything from trump or any of his friends about the employers who

I propose that all those unemployed blue collar Americans get jobs building the wall! It’ll be like an American civic thing!

Seeing as how this country was founded on a bunch of guys from another country barging their way over here, and in the rudest, most violent way possible, I find it so ironic that Trumpets are so hung-up on illegal immigrants.

Now playing

A few weeks ago as I watched a network tv airing of The Sound of Music I tragically and finally understood why Captain Von Trapp chokes up on stage. I couldn’t believe I was able to relate. I almost couldn’t breathe from crying. This seems more appropriate:

Yeah, ethics committee, Intel agencies, wall. This is way too much like East Berlin...

The worst borders are the ones you have in your mind ^_^

Get out of here with your book learnin’ ya liberal elitist!

Somehow, I feel like “We refuse to pass this spending bill because you said Mexico would pay for the wall,” should be more than enough. Forcefeed the GOP their own rotten bullshit, you know? Say “we’ll vote for this bill when you get Mexico to pay for it like you promised, and not one second before.”

Remember when Halliburton seemed horrifying? We were so innocent then.

And them being linked to Trump via investments, sham LLCs and other conflicts of interest...

I teach an entire college course on the Berlin Wall that proves this is a bad idea. But what do I know? I’m just some loser academic.

Scandal of third party companies building the wall and hiring illegal immigrants to do it in... 3....2....1....

Which is exactly what the assholes who voted for him wanted. Hey look, there’s that exact nauseous feeling I had when Trump won, it’s back. Oh no wait, it never left... 

Oh that wall will cost a whole lot more than $500 million. Maybe also where the money from federal climate science programs, public education, and every entitlement program that dares help the Poors will go.