
But but but the earth is flat! Did they teach you nothing in know nothing school???!!!?!?

Your white co-workers voted for him because he tickled the racist part of their brains and made them feel that they could hold onto a white hegemony just a LITTLE bit longer. ‘Cause remember, if POC are succeeding then that means white people are second class citizens!

It’s so very scary to see how many parallels there are between 2016 USA and 1930s Germany. And then a bunch of people call you a fear-mongerer when you point out the 1:1 similarities.

You’ll love this:

I think the group that should take the biggest share of the blame is the media. All of the major cable news outlets gave Trump hours of free airtime and hardly any for his republican or democratic rivals.

You just said a word. It’s very disheartening to know that people will elect an unabashed pathological liar who has NO qualifications for to lead this country in order to MAWA. Hint: This country has never been a “white” country and never will be.

I’m with you on all of that. People I thought were good, decent folks betrayed those ideas for party or religion or whatever else they fucking got led by (“well, he’s an outsider”). The vast majority of my friends and family did the right thing, but I was shocked at so many who did not.

I think most of what I use to believe in was broken by this election - probably permanently broken.

They are the ones getting the shaft now. They aren’t smart enough to determine that though. They blame “blacks, jews, mexicans and libruls” for their woes, when the cause is lobbyists and rich plutocrats like Trump, who now run our government. You don’t make $7.50 an hour because of Mexicans. You make $7.50 an hour

No, they’ll just blame Obama again. They can’t admit they screwed up, partially out of pride and stubbornness, but mostly because the GOP and conservative media lies to them.

No, they’ll continue to applaud.

This is how Democracy dies, with thunderous applause.

no but we do everything real subtle. whenever someone says “Trump” you fart and condition them like pavlov’s dog. so now whenever they hear the word “Trump” they expect the smell of shit to immediately follow.

It helps that they can actually REALIZE that stuff on screen now, which they couldn’t at the turn of the new century.

Ok…here we go.

And there’s the problem. I’m all for “going high” when it comes to some things. But look at this election, and look at the world’s sorest winners. The goddamned PEOTUS is acting like a cracked-out orange imbecile, people give NO fucks about insulting any and everyone that doesn’t look like them, and everyone who

We all are weeping, jinni, we all are...