
Shiny object syndrome........

Swordfish....... obviously.......lol

That’s what happened in Nazi Germany too...... and here in the early part of the 1900's as well..... book burning is a sin.......

The sad part is no matter how rational and logical your conversation is, you just can’t get through to them..... I have this problem all the time..... it’s not just the logic and rationality, there’s no reading comprehension as well..... thank god mankind invented drugs and alcohol.......

It’s not so much the guns or the religion, it’s the idiots who don’t understand what they are and what they are for.......... some people just need perpetual supervision.....

Don’t be too sure about the murder part..... it’s a foundation of dictatorships and fascists......

I feel your pain..... I am a county employee in Florida, and surrounded by morons who think and feel exactly like that... unfortunately I have a few relatives like that also..... thank god my mom’s not one of those.....

Congratulations..... that was the secondary plot of Timecop..... Ron Silver said that to his chief of staff......”whoever has the most money for commercials wins the election.....” (somewhat paraphrasing, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen it) however in this case, whoever gets the most media attention wins.......

Fringe....... sucks to be us......

No, we are all trapped in the mirror universe from star trek...... apparently this is how the terran empire started.... May (insert deity here) have mercy on our souls....

Also without the style...... baddies always have sytle.....

That’s o.k. as the saying goes, if the shoe fits.......

I feel your pain... I came into work this morning to trump signs in the parking lot......just wanted to turn around and go back home.....

Hang in there.....we all have to hope for the best. If not there’s always alcohol, drugs and denial.....

So will I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The reason Lexus ranks so low is because the car uses Toyota parts....

Yeah, just throw in the Legion of Superheroes and now we will have full on crazy....


Raiders of the Lost Ark effect....... we all know that no one cares about nazis..........

Exactly....... I unfortunately live in Florida, and a few years ago when Scott was elected, one of the first things this sleaze did was rip off the state, city and county workers. We were forced to pay into our retirement because he said that the state pension fund was underfunded. After the resolution passed, the