
Nothing on this earth but poverty will do that to him........

Thanks for that analogy. Most people don’t get it. It’s even more confusing for those of us who are technically multi-racial. I’m black, Indian, Arabic and white..... but identify as black, because my parents come from Jamaica, but was born in America. Needless to say my life has been interesting and strange growing

Everyone seems to forget Karate Kid.... not fair. Thanks for making my day.

I agree..... if they can give us a working book with a permanent artist.....

Yeah, see the LOTR gif above.........

So true....... love that scene...... so fitting..... lol.

Yes, Trump’s whole thing has been to entertain..... but he’s also racist and repugnant...... and that’s the kind who he’s also pandering to. You have to sort of feel sorry for those who have fallen under the spell..... if he wins, they are going to be in some serious denial once he takes over and they find out he

It’s more than likely the car crash effect, and the networks are cashing in on the ratings because people can’t look away (change the channel/not comment about it. It’s definitely been polarizing.......