
The Saturn is very much beloved. It’s just that most of their good games stayed in Japan. 

THIS SO MUCH. I loved my Sega Genesis, but FUCK, man, I don’t need a 33rd re-release of those games. The Saturn, the Dreamcast -- hell, the Sega CD, the 32X, the Master System -- have been completely forgotten, and they are GOLD MINES, especially with the rare and super-expensive games on those systems like Panzer

I’m not sure if Sega’s just trying to be cute or if they’re actually that bad at business (still). You have 2 of the most beloved, but I’ll-fated consoles of the 90’s with the DreamCast and Saturn and your fucking around with some tacky mini-arcade cabinet? Do you know how much I’d pay to play Soul Caliber or Daytona

As funny as this meme is, most of the time presenters are dusted with powder makeup to remove natural skin oil shine. If they recorded at home, which is likely, they probably didn’t have the necessary makeup artist on-site to prep them for the recording, so they end up looking shiny.  We all look shiny, we just have

The Knights Templar are absolutely still around, albeit not in the way the game alludes.

I’m a grown man that plays as a female character in just about any game in which I have the option (save for a few games where romancing characters is a key feature of the game and where that choice would force me into romancing male characters). I personally don’t think people should find that disturbing.

I know so many grown men playing as female characters in ALL games where it’s possible, that it’s more disturbing than letting a woman help identify with her own character in said games.”

I got into an annoying argument with someone about Aloy in Horizon Zero Dawn that started with “a woman can’t do all that stuff” (which I attempted to counter with the triple threat of “no one can - it doesn’t have to be fully realistic” and “some women could - Aloy is one” and “it’s a video game”)
But it was all a