Mike in SF

Why don’t you use his real name. He is not phantoml0rd, he is James Varga. He lives in the real world where he hopes to scam people (many of them children) out of real money. He has a cute gf (for now), he travels to nice places and probably drives a nice car, all because he is rips people off. He doesn’t live in a

“Maybe they Actually ARE good cops who are tired of being blamed for the shitty ones?”

Thank you Minnesota cops for causing these shirts to become a national story. I am sure that few people outside of the arena would know about this small act if solidarity by these players in the name of peace if it hadn’t been for your cowardice.

Please explain how these shirts blamed these four cops for anything?

Instances that members of the Minnesota Lynx have murdered someone in cold blood, on camera, and then cried when they are asked to be accountable for their actions=ZERO.

Mmmm, take mental health issues, add alcoholism, stir in low IQ caused by fetal alcohol syndrome...mix well, and ou get a tukwilatommygun!

Thankyou Ellie for calling together this meeting of superior d-bags! I too am totally superior to Christopher McCandless and anyone else who was touched by the book about his death. HEY EVERYBODY!! How’s everyone been, it’s been too long!

I have nothing to add except I loved this post and these replies.

No Lew Wolff? No Mark Davis? Joe Lacob isn’t even the worst owner at 7000 Coliseum Way, Oakland...let alone on this list. And let us not to forget Jed York. The Bay Area is ripe with shitty billionaires, and three of them also own sports teams.

Wait, you aren’t a British Black guy? Very interesting. In that case, please continue to share your future purchasing plans. We all want to know what you are up to.

Wait. Lebron James has testicles?? Well this is a completely unforeseen circumstance. Who would have guessed based on his career thus far?

You have a difficult life. All my sympathies. Have you ever contemplated taking measures to end your misery?

I’d love to hear about your brain injury. Please share.

Miss Andrea, if you really need to prove your lack intellect you can save yourself a lot of time and typing. Just say “Trump supporter”. But be prepared to be ripped off because you are a dead giveaway for a sucker.

Good point, but answer this...how is it that I have never met you and I know you are a pompous douche and you have had the utter torture of living with yourself your whole life and yet you have never picked up on your total douchehood?

Are you people sent by the prophets to signal the apocalypse?

Finally a reason to convince the wife that we need to go current gen. Yes!

Well, since it is too late to convince you to not be a cliche from 2015, go ahead and get your tattoo anywhere you want.

Unclespok, a man who had dedicated a portion of his life to reading Kinja blogs for ammunition for his “I hate Kinja blogs” comments on Kinja blogs.

From a proud lineage of mouth breathers.