Compare Romo’s observations to Troy Aikman’s and it’s just night and day.
So is there a way to build it with the engine in the back? Asking for GM.
This kit makes total sense..
A sense of hopelessness from watching the Mariners.
You might say it’s doing the Electric Slide.
Oh God yes an MR2 is definitely a better choice (and looks similar). But when you pull up to the gas station and someone says “wow what is that” the word “Lotus” will never have felt so sweet!
Yeah, but how many miles did it have before they rolled the odometer back?
Of course he looks like that. If he was attractive, he wouldn’t have a podcast.
As a privileged white male, I just wish the world would take me (and us) more seriously.
Pebble Beach Sideshow! Imagine a Ferrari 250 GTO and a Lamborghini Miura SV ripping donuts in a random intersection.