Mike Vago

I didn't feel like either group was terribly in the right, and to be honest, I don't know the details or the larger context because Wikipedia doesn't go into them. The unhappiness angle was more, "how could you put Mr. Splashy Pants in the middle of your fight!" and, as @disqus_g1mssakybo:disqus said, trying to fit

I honestly don't know if that's a typo, or if I'm just terrible at math. It can be two things, I suppose.

I'm a bit disappointed Fudgy the Whale didn't make it into the voting.

I also hate the "sportsball" thing, because you're essentially patting yourself on the back for not knowing about something.

What was the Onion headline? "Barry Bonds Using Steroids, Reports Everyone Who's Ever Seen Barry Bonds."

It's my fault. If we don't set a time for the article to run, it defaults to the time you finished writing it. I keep forgetting, so if the editor doesn't catch my mistake, it posts as the night before. Far from trying to kill the feature, AVC has been very supportive, reviving it even after the initial run had a very

I hope the Commodore spends the rest of the season like Jack from Father Ted, just shouting "Feck off!" and "Drink!" with an IV drip of whiskey hanging over him.

Me was shocked when it turn out she not one who poison him last season.

Such a great actor.  Even when he doesn't have much to do in an episode, he always adds something.

Yeah, me hear ad for this show on radio long time ago, and me pretty sure it made up.  Looks like me was wrong.

Based on screenshot, me had high hopes it was based on "Caramel Over Vanilla Ice Cream in Hollowed Out Apples" thread.  Throw in some cookies as appetizer, and me would watch shit out of that.

Me think if you adjust for 1960s special effects and budget, TOS hold up pretty well.  It certainly start stronger than TNG.  TOS have better grasp of humor and romantic relationships, both of which cringeworthy on TNG.  And id/ego/superego trio of Kirk/Spock/McCoy (not in that order) more compelling relationship than

Circus Atari teach generation of kids that going to circus dangerous and not all that fun.  That invaluable lesson!