
The end credits list a "young Carl". Did I miss this scene or was it deleted?

In TCW, Barriss also had an Australian accent. Yeah, it's possible that her accent faded as the years went on, but they don't even seem like the same person. This season is already setting up an Ahsoka / Vader reunion / confrontation, so to tack on an Ahsoka / Barriss confrontation just feels unnecessary.

Kallus is continuing to be Rebel's equivalent of General Grievous. He's this high ranking guy, who is completely useless at his job.

Thought the exact same thing

This movie is my all time favorite and it's entirely because of how much it scares the living hell out of me. With the exception of the global infertility, it is pretty much how I expect the end of the world to go down.

What about JJ's "Super 8"?