
Twincest is definitely one of my favourite compound words.

Do you think the viewers are gonna be bored of her after three more years of that scene?


An expert review is always going to delve into adaptation. And I never understood the whole "list of differences" thing. All reviews could be considered a list of things the only thing that makes it less of a list is how it's written. I don't know why it bothers me so much, I guess it makes no sense to have a non

There should just be a spoiler section then because really what's the point otherwise. I don't know why this annoys me so much.

Maybe but like she said it's an insult to the ironborn.

He looked so disappointed all he wants to do is offer people orgies he's kind that way.

I wonder if the show watchers will care as much as the book readers did.

Am I the only one who thinks these expert reviews should just be called newbie reviews except for a couple of sentences because clicks.

Which is good because Tyrion on the show is some times to nice and neat. Maybe I'm wrong but from the books I think of him as a kind of honourable scoundrel.