
right now i'm thinking "the black sky" is something akin to " the iron fist"? don't they talk about how her body is just a vessel? It really doesn't make sense

I think those are the sorts of characters she always asked to play before, like her character in the gilmore girls

well he probably didn't learn much other than punching things

It's just another way of looking at the world

I don't know how to use spoiler tags here so all I'll say is I don't think that was a leap.

I thought this too, she doesn't want to hurt people. But even when it comes to moving objects, it seems like they all take the same level of effort, whether it's a cabinet or a car. Am I correct in thinking she should be way stronger than luke is?

he is very pretty. and looks good in a suit.

meanwhile jon has been wearing his king of the norf outfit for months now.


It got boring again at the end to. But that black out sequence, I'm a sucker for that sort of tension, even if there were no real stakes for me.

Just one long, kind of actually awesome train under any other circumstances, like you would want to buy a ticket to ride this train around the world.

Maybe when a movie is really enjoyable you can forget the flaws of a premise.

I had to will myself to forget the premise just to get some enjoyment from the movie. On the upside, no love interest which is unusual.

LOL, I used to do a history of BWAAAAAAAAAAAH for my frends. It started with inception BWAAAAA, next tron legacy Bwaaaaaaaa, then snow white and the huntsman, bwaaaaaaa, then promethius, bwaaaaaaaaa, then it just reached critical mass and now it's on every trailer bwaaaaaaa. I don't know if anyone has used it

This movie is neither terrible nor Great. And don't think too hard about the premise, or it starts to make no sense. Also Tilda Swinton's character is unbearable, like not funny, not intimidating just wrong. There is one AMAZING fight scene though that would have had me scared had I cared what happened to any of these

I would be so awkward at those dinner parties, like eating quietly with a friend/partner's family. Being your most polite self and speaking in empty sentences. A weird performance. I'm only really comfortable if I'm allowed to say fuck.

Do little birds even make it that long?

She said that but she was laughing at/with him pretty constantly.

Yeah I don't know why I was so enraged, I'll give the show a chance to prove itself. We still know next to nothing about many of the characters. But we have reason to find them intriguing.

I think I would actually find Hannibal quite tedious after a while. His dinner conversations seem kind of boring, unless you know that he's a monster.