
I have no clue who Felicia Day is! I really enjoyed this episode. I liked her character and don't understand the criticism that she doesn't fit into the supernatural universe. I think her being an interesting and likeable character created a lot of tension, I personally felt that she was always in mortal danger.

If they had placed the last few moments @ the beginning of next week's show that  would have been even worse.

Also, if this episode matters then all observers descend from Etta? As September told Peter a few episodes back? CONFUSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Loved the episode! HATE that we don't get to finish the episode.

It's clear to me now that they are going to kill Klaus. His character has nowhere left to go, and I trust that the writers can handle a show without him. I'm beginning to suspect that Rebekkah ( not possessed) or Tyler will do the killing.

They better cut that nose off I'm screaming bloody murder!!!

"These Tyrells are only Lannisters with flowers.

Dear Todd!

"We want answer" "We want action" says the Swiss guy at the beginning if I remember correctly. This seemed to echo viewer feelings about the way the show handles its mythology.

Remember when she shares with Olivia "we like the nice guys".

Please that episode was WELL done. Even though shape shifters are getting repetitive I didn't once care.

Definite -A, I can't know how I feel about this episode until I see the one where they discuss the rift in their friendship. Magical friendship hat is not enough, but I get it, there is only 20 minutes an episode. But the fact you gave it a full blown A Todd? common…

do we hate Ellis more than the backwards son?

Regina needs an episode where she gets to be fun.

I don't mind, have you ever seen doctor who cgi?

FI-NA-LY We're going somewhere. suddenly the world looks like there is plenty of story to tell. The hatter is now my favourite character and I hope emma gets some mad sex in the future.


Maybe it's their attempt to make the show more accessible to stray viewers.

Me too brother, I didn't realize I was so sentimental. Also this season's olivia seems somehow more human and less robotic, I never bought the peterolivia relationship until these last few episodes.

Fringe greatest hits. I hope they take all of this somewhere good. High concept shows have a habit of falling back on abstract human emotions at their end which can sometimes be a bit of a cop out: See lost.