
I'm suprised you gave this episode a B-, since to my mind it was the best episode of the show so far.

Great review. Show still sucks. Everyone knows why. nuff said.

ugh, we're not even gonna get a runway show  are we?

All agreed? 

So you think they shouldn't even bother with this show? It's true, what happens in season 2? IS it always going to be Marilyn? You've gotta understand that there are inbuilt structural issues they'll have to work out like the ones you mentioned, but any show about a musical would have to work those same problems out.

The Ellis storyline is a dead end! Dead End!

Again, from the top!


Yeah, Karen doesn't do vulnerability or pain very well.

I was team Ivy to begin with, I hope they don't make her an out and out bitch.

Not actually true

You're always too harsh on this show.

Based on the first half of this season 'm guessing the writers are setting up one point they'll make with the finale. This group will come face to face with what happens to people when they just care for survival. the 30 strong hoard is their future. I haven't read the comic, it's just obvious now.

At least this episode it attempting at an over arching plot. And I really enjoyed this episode, even if it did use tried and tested story tropes like the magic item, reminds me of the glittery turd roger shat out that people would kill for on 'American Dad'

I like her big lazy eyes

My question, what exactly is a grimm, what makes them special? Clearly they aren't just humans who can see creatures.


I really enjoyed this review!


Not as bad as you thought!