Can anyone hear/read the word “thrice” and not immediately think of Monty Burns’ batting instructions?
Can anyone hear/read the word “thrice” and not immediately think of Monty Burns’ batting instructions?
Bernie was a garbage candidate who survived only because the Clinton campaign was too afraid of alienating millennials to do even the slightest negative attack on him.
I have a ‘16 cup champs Pens shirt, but I struggle to actually wear it because it never seems like a right time. Being a Floridian, I don’t want to just look like a bandwagoner, and I have no need to wear it when I go to the rink since I already wear 87, so it’s kinda plain as day who I like.
There does come a point of increasing returns as you become a decrepit husk of your former self.
Look everyone an old man is talking! He walked uphill in the snow both ways! He has character! He rooted for a team for a long time and thinks that makes him a ‘winner’! Surprised you didn’t end that last message with a “Sonny boy” or “whippersnapper.” You’re old school pops!
Worse than pro team leather jackets: pro team varsity jackets. The people who buy and wear those pieces of shit should be bag tagged throughout eternity.
if it’s one of those cheap tshirts you get in the strip, it wont last much more than a year....
No. There is only winning. “Winning with class” is a concept that only exists in the masturbatory wet dreams of sportswriters.
Besides as a fan, you didn’t win. You just rooted for a team that won. No one cares, how you celebrate. You, me, all of us, unless we were on the field, court, diamond or rink, are just a…
I ma a huge Pats/Sox/ and Bruins fan myself, but I HATE wearing the championship gear. It just feels tacky and unneeded. I like wearing the simple stuff, the stuff that is worn and dirty.
I’m not afraid to bust out my Oilers 1988 Stanley Cup cap in front of beer league teammates (living in Vancouver).
Wow. The whole point of sports is to say you won! The whole point of a championship is to say “THE TEAM I ROOT FOR BEAT ALL THE OTHER TEAMS I DONT ROOT FOR IN SPORTSBALL! SUCK IT!” Sports are ephemeral. The only thing that you get to hold onto are the memories and the hat and t-shirt. To not wear a hat or shirt, as a…
I found a shirt after the ‘08 Super Bowl that read:
Championship gear depends on the team.
Chris Henry also couldn’t make it.
He did nothing but practice against other college players while in Cleveland.
Theo Nathaniel Epstein IV
This is the best version of the Kaepernick kneeling joke I’ve seen yet. Bravo.
Don’t know what to say when our best play is a penalty and our QB takes the victory kneel before the game.
Exibit 43,312 that people who wear camo baseball hats are assholes.