
It’s funny, the dickheads at the NRA were able to conflate their true purpose with what the dumbshits think it stands for


“Brockway said he then grabbed the boy by his throat, lifted him into the air, before slamming the boy into the ground, the affidavit said,” CNN reports.

I regularly get about 4 1/2 hours a nite during the week and by Wednesday I feel drunk by Thursday I can't concentrate for shit and by Friday I'm seeing double and barely know my own name.  Any asshole that thinks all those extra hours mean shit is a fucking moron and I hate them

Pat Healy looks like a mother fucking tooth model compared to Mewes, jesus!

I got a beautiful 60" double sink vanity on Home Depot.com a few years back for $350, they mistakenly priced it as if it were just the countertop rather than the whole thing. Not 5 minutes after I bought it the price went up to it’s correct price, $1,400.  Got it less than a week later, free shipping too!

Let up for a second...and that's where you'll finish

Think you meant Nantucket. Martha’s Vineyard is fun as hell, restaurants and bars all over the place, music cranking, good shopping.  Make sure you hit Back Door Donuts, insane!

Agreed. Nowhere in the interview did it say that the dude’s way was the only way and he did admit that quite a bit of it was actually unhealthy and not recommended

“(The deputy) did not know who the man was and asked for the credential, and that’s when he tried to push past our deputy, and our deputy pushed him back, and there was another push that kind of moved up and struck our deputy in the face,” Kelly said. “At that point, several bystanders intervened and the executive

Pretty sure he got shot in the back...

Interesting article. 47 year old guy here, haven’t talked to some of my buds in quite a while, none of us are phone guys at all and everyones local for the most part but all over the place. Every once in a while, birthdays and whatnot theres a couple of calls that go back and forth but for the most part I see them

What about the Knicks? They could theoretically offer the #3 and pretty much whatever junk NO wanted which beats the Lakers #4 and <insert shitty throw in dudes names here> and I’d think it also beats the Celts 3 mid 1st rounders plus their shitty undeachievers

On one hand, it’s possible the Giants’ true infatuation with Jones is about, as they said, his “maturity” and “fiber” and, as his college coach promised, his lack of “swag,”

This NY Red Wings fan just fucking screamed "YES" loud enough for those Detroiters to hear!!

Or...keep a box of baby wipes in your bottom desk drawer, grab 2 or 3 on your way to the dump and feel fresh all day.  I flush 'em down too, ain't my plumbing

27 K’s in a 9 inning game...do some googling next time Magary

I saw them headlining Lollapalooza in ‘94, a solid 3/4 of the crowd left (including me) right as they finished their first song. I unfortunately had to still hear them though since it takes time for 40,000 people to file out. Absolutely the worst garbagey sounding live band I have ever heard, they were fucking awful.

Bet the kid yelled, like a 1940's movie gangster villian, “Hey Manning, you’re the GOAT, see!!

Went to Met Opening Day last year (not a Met fan, one of my work vendors took me and a few others) and the ticket was loaded with $50, so I could go wherever and buy whatever with just a scan of my ticket stub.  On the receipt was the balance so I knew what I had left.  Spent 20 minutes with a calculator and an abacus