
Meh, I could give the two shits I’m gonna take after eating that thing about the fact she did that story, sponsored content or puff piece or whatever

The saddest part about this whole thing is that I’m 47, only 5 years behind the majority of these creeps and I couldn’t afford to pay a $500 bribe let alone a $500,000 one...

His man won, so he musta done something right. Hell this guy probably knows the course better than his full time caddie

I laugh heartily at this shit!

Soooo, rapes and sexual assaults should only be reported by the head coach and assistants should just stfu?  

I kinda hope the players go rogue and just start winning just to cost them their shot at the top pick and still come up just short of making the playoffs. That would be perfect

They’re not gonna give you one of the best catchers in the league for a box of used balls and a rosin bag. You gotta give up a strength to fix a weakness...

Looks pretty damn good to me!

Take a shit and then playing Candy Crush, browsing Facebook, texting, anything to avoid sitting at my desk for a few more minutes...

I walked in to this in my office bathroom recently...

Nope, it’s Eddie Giacomin!

The crazy thing is these gun lovin’ knuckleheads don’t even understand what the NRA is

Craig Carton up next up on the Fan just on the other side of the 20 20 (+5)

Guess their initial stance was it’s a political and therefore it even skips past the grossly offensive portion

The Jets meet the Bills next week. That’ll be a fine afternoon to rake leaves or eat poison instead.

At least once, 2 years ago

Seriously, did a phone vibrate?  I once let 'er rip in the company mailroom so stanky that one of the secretaries that came in a full 5 minutes later dry heaved a half dozen times and frantically called maintenance to report what must be a family of dead animals behind the copier.  Phone vibration, sheesh...

Back in HS a bunch of us, around 20, decided it might be really cool to get jobs at the local, outdoor waterfront concert venue for the summer. Outdoors, seeing all these huge acts for free sounded like a great gig so we went down and all got hired. First show comes and we all show up for work only to be stationed at

I almost got duped by one of those “Sports Marketing” jobs also. I showed up for a 730 am hiring fair at their headquarters and there were probably 50 other besuited men and women there to interview, everyone with their resumes sizing up the crowd as we all waited. One by one someone would get called to “interview”