How am I delusional, and how is it 100% about guns? I must’ve missed where you mentioned that in your argument.
How am I delusional, and how is it 100% about guns? I must’ve missed where you mentioned that in your argument.
If you actually read my original post (reading must be hard, eh?) you would see that I said I’m not biased. I own one gun, a handgun for self-defense and target shooting. It stays in its case most of the time. I am not someone who is going to cry if they take it away from me.
You are an idiot, and your name is flawed. I’m not even going to read your giant wall of text because you clearly don’t understand the real problem.
But that is MY point, the kid should have known better than to just “pew pew”. The kid would obviously know better (in your scenario) to use a knife since he was raised to know what happens when you use it. It isn’t the tools fault, it is the parent’s.
There also is no age limit for people to buy cleaning products where a child can easily get ahold of and poison themselves, or even die. Or no age limit on lighters or matches yet there are tens of thousands of accidental home fires (…
Except the kid most likely has been raised up around knives and other dangerous things and told to stay away from them. It is clearly the fault of the parents for even having a kid know what a gun is and how deadly it can be. In addition, no having it locked up away from anyone getting ahold of it unless needed.
More kids probably drink bleach (or other cleaning products) and die from that than being stabbed and shot combined. You are still looking at the wrong part of the problem, nice try though.
Every household most likely has knifes or other deadly things readily available in their house. Kids still die from those things too, but you don’t see that on the news. It isn’t about the guns, it is about parenting.
I mean, the kid could could have easily grabbed a knife and stabbed her. It really isn’t about guns here... It is about bad parenting and not raising kids to be humans. I’m not for or against removing or keeping guns, but I am just saying the truth. The more people blame the tools, the more shit like this will happen.
I mean, to be fair, gun are just tools. I would imagine that mental health is actually the problem overall. But I won’t say whether or not video games, or any other media is 100% responsible for putting these actions into people’s brains. There are multiple reasons why someone would be that fucked up to do such a…
People like to exaggerate because they know that their opinions on things aren’t that outstanding to cause attention. So, they make it seem like it should require more attention.
B-b-but I thought people physically can’t tell the difference?
Except they didn’t in the same tone, but whatever. I never said they didn’t write about them, I just said they didn’t in such a way that is so sarcastic and condescending. The tone of this article is actually an embarrassment for what it is trying to accomplish.
I never said they didn’t write about them, I just said they didn’t in such a way that is so sarcastic and condescending. The tone of this article is actually an embarrassment for what it is trying to accomplish.
Sometimes I swear Kotaku let’s dumbasses “review” games just to stir controversy. The game has issues, but it isn’t nearly as bad as people are making it seem.
Awesomenauts is not an easy game to begin with, so it might not be the best place to start if they get easily frustrated. Even when playing bots, you need to have a lot of understanding on the genre and how each character plays.
You do know racism has to do with a person’s “race”, hence the name. You can’t just apply your own definition or connotation of a word to whatever you want, because that is how you feel it should be used. That is why the whole “racism” problem in America is blown way out of proportion.
If I am a white guy and I mock a Russian, or German, or whatever other accent while that person is also white, does that make me racist? No, I’m just an asshole. How can I be racist against my own race. This isn’t Chappelle’s Show.
Do you know what being a racist actually means? A quick Google will show you: “showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to another”.
That is the problem: people who get offended by anything considers it “racism”. They are ignorant to what actual racism is. Making fun of an Asian accent is no different than making fun of a person with a speech impediment (stutter, lisp, etc). You are making fun of the way someone is talking in both instances. Other…